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300 motorcycle taxi operators in Kisumu and Eldoret counties commit to champion safety of women and girls in public transport

calendar_today 01 August 2022


300 motorcycle taxi operators in Kisumu and Eldoret counties commit to champion safety of women and girls in public transport

Ahead of the 2022 general elections in Kenya, UNFPA engaged boda-boda (motorcycle taxi) operators on the prevention and response to gender-based violence in counties identified by…

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Empowering young people with intellectual disabilities to access sexual and reproductive health information

calendar_today 29 July 2022


Empowering young people with intellectual disabilities to access sexual and reproductive health information

A new handbook designed to equip adolescents and youth with intellectual disabilities with life skills is making sexual and reproductive health and rights education more…

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UNFPA partners with the University of Nairobi and GBV AoR to launch Post Graduate Diploma in Gender Based Violence in Emergencies

calendar_today 25 July 2022


UNFPA partners with the University of Nairobi and GBV AoR to launch Post Graduate Diploma in Gender Based Violence in Emergencies

UNFPA and the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR) have partnered with the University of Nairobi, Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies to offer…

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Armed with the right skills and a portable ultrasound device, midwives in Kenya are on a mission to save lives.

calendar_today 22 July 2022


Armed with the right skills and a portable ultrasound device, midwives in Kenya are on a mission to save lives.

“Nothing breaks a midwife’s heart more than losing a mother or baby to a complication that could have been managed if identified earlier on in the pregnancy,” says senior midwife…

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Training boosts capacity of journalists  to better report on FGM and child marriage in Africa

calendar_today 14 July 2022


Training boosts capacity of journalists to better report on FGM and child marriage in Africa

More than 30 media practitioners from East and Southern Africa gathered in Nairobi for a  three-day media training on sensitive reporting on harmful practices. The training…

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Numbers are important, but harnessing the potential of all people is most valuable

calendar_today 11 July 2022


Numbers are important, but harnessing the potential of all people is most valuable

An opinion piece by UNFPA Country Representative Anders Thomsen, on World Population Day.

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Prolonged drought in Kenya pushes communities to their limits, increasing GBV risks for women and girls

calendar_today 06 July 2022


Prolonged drought in Kenya pushes communities to their limits, increasing GBV risks for women and girls

At a community gathering in Lokapararai Village, Turkana County, chants of “APEI APEI ng’akankomwon ng’akan!” reverberate from a group of women converged under a tree. Translated…

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UNFPA unveils new Country Programme for Kenya

calendar_today 01 July 2022


UNFPA unveils new Country Programme for Kenya

The Executive Board of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has approved the 10th Country Programme for Kenya in the amount of $35.6 million. The new country programme will…

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Turning pain to power: Women-led community-based organization leads economic empowerment and GBV protection in Kibera

calendar_today 23 June 2022


Turning pain to power: Women-led community-based organization leads economic empowerment and GBV protection in Kibera

From a humble beginning, the Feminist for Peace, Rights and Justice Centre (FPRJC ) programs have grown to include women's forums offering leadership training, community outreach…

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