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Dr Ademola Remarks during the Launch of the Female Chapter of the Boda Boda Safety Association of Kenya

Dr Ademola Remarks during the Launch of the Female Chapter of the Boda Boda Safety Association of Kenya


Dr Ademola Remarks during the Launch of the Female Chapter of the Boda Boda Safety Association of Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya---The Boda-Boda (motorcycle taxi) sector plays host to millions of young people in the country. While great strides have been made to improve the sector in terms of safety, viability and organization of players, it remains a male dominated sector with very few women having access or courage to venture into the industry.

With an extensive footprint of over 1.4 million riders across the country, Boda Boda operators can play a critical role in addressing socio-cultural and gender norms that propagate harmful practices such as gender based violence, child and forced marriages, as well as female genital mutilation. Women riders are in a unique position to provide support to women and girls who have been affected by these practices through their day to day interaction with clients, and knowledge of community terrains.  Additionally, the boda boda operators have provided support to women and girls seeking skilled care particularly during delivery irrespective of time of the day. Hence they are a formidable means of transport in many parts of the country where the road network is poor thereby saving the lives of women.

UNFPA Kenya will work with the BAK women chapter in supporting women and girls across the country to access sexual and reproductive health services, advocating against teenage pregnancies, gender based violence and other harmful practices such as Female Genital Mutilation and child marriage at the community level, as well as in helping women riders access business financing opportunities that will take their boda boda businesses forward.