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Remarks by Mr. Bouri Jean Victor Sanhouidi, Representative (ad interim), UNFPA KCO, on the launch of the Kenya Population Situation Analysis

Remarks by Mr. Bouri Jean Victor Sanhouidi, Representative (ad interim), UNFPA KCO, on the launch of the Kenya Population Situation Analysis


Remarks by Mr. Bouri Jean Victor Sanhouidi, Representative (ad interim), UNFPA KCO, on the launch of the Kenya Population Situation Analysis

calendar_today 30 October 2013

The Kenya Population Situation Analysis (K-PSA) is the first one to be completed in the Africa Region.

  • Mr. Stephen Wainaina, Economic Planning Secretary, Ministry of Devolution and Planning

  • Dr. Abdisalan Mohamed Noor, Chairman National Council for Population and Development Board  

  • Mr. George Kichamu, Acting Director General, National Council for Population and Development  

  • Prof. Lawrence Ikamari, Director, Population Studies & Research Institute, University of Nairobi,

  • Development Partners,

  • UN Colleagues,

  • Distinguished Guests,

  • All Protocols observed,

  • Ladies and Gentlemen

In addition to the State of the World Population Report, today Kenya also launches The Kenya Population Situation Analysis (K-PSA), the first one to be completed in the Africa Region. It is important to note that Kenya was able to accomplish this exercise because the country has endeavored to regularly conduct Population and housing censuses as well as other surveys making data available for a Population Situation Analysis. In this regard, I wish to congratulate the government of Kenya particularly the Ministry of Devolution and Planning for this for great achievement.

The development of the K-PSA has been a long process starting in May 2012 and that has involved government ministries, academia, civil society and development partners.  I applaud the leadership of the Ministry of Devolution and Planning through the National Council for Population and Development and the technical support of the Population Studies and Research Institute of the University of Nairobi to the exercise.  It has been a truly country driven exercise making the K-PSA responsive to national realities.

It is a publication that provides the basis for an integrated appraisal of the Population and reproductive health dynamics and their linkages and impacts on poverty, inequality and development contributing to efficient evidence base necessary for policy decision making. For development partners, the publication will be useful in supporting analytical assessments and is thus a key resource for policy dialogue and programming for Kenya.

UNFPA is proud to be associated with this achievement for Kenya.  UNFPA's support to the exercise is an expression of its commitment to help countries to mainstream population dynamics, reproductive health and gender issues into national development planning, adopting a human rights culture and a gender perspective. UNFPA's support comes in response to countries for cooperation that promotes national capacity building and that recognizes national ownership and leadership for development in keeping with the principles of International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs).

Once again, I wish to congratulate the government of Kenya for this achievement and I wish all the best in production of future K-PSA's.

 I thank you for your kind attention.


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