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Achieving Transformative Results - Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths in Kenya

Achieving Transformative Results - Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths in Kenya


Achieving Transformative Results - Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths in Kenya

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NEW YORK, United States - UNFPA’s ninth Kenya Country Programme 2018-2023 was approved by the Executive Board on June 5, 2018, following a compelling statement outlining the Fund’s key achievements in the country to date.

Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, UNFPA Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, described UNFPA’s notable achievements in Kenya while highlighting the strategy and planned results of the ninth country programme. A video was displayed featuring the Fund’s impact and features of the ninth country programme in “achieving Kenya’s transformative results” for women and girls, and adolescents and youth.

Dr. Josephine Kibaru-Mbae, the Director General of National Council for Population and Development gave a compelling presentation of support, noting that the Government of Kenya and all stakeholders have recognized UNFPA’s contribution to the Kenya success story in enhancing reproductive rights for all.

Dr. Kibaru further praised the ninth Country Programme, adding that it responded to national priorities as articulated in the third Medium-term Plan, 2018-2022, of the long-term development blueprint of Kenya, Vision 2030, while significantly contributing to and aligns with the United Nations Development Assistance Framework, 2018-2022.

Correspondingly, the ninth country programme is aligned with the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2018-2021, and is grounded in the principles of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), and aims to contribute to the achievement of the Global Goals of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union agenda 2063. UNFPA’s high-level commitment is to accelerate its contribution to ending 12,690 preventable maternal deaths in Kenya by 2022, said Dr. Ademola Olajide, UNFPA Representative for Kenya.