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KCO July Newsletter

KCO July Newsletter
KCO July Newsletter


Mukiza Mwenesi

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KCO July Newsletter

Publication date

14 August 2020

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Following the lifting of lock down measures against Nairobi City County, there has been noticeable growth in Covid-19 cases in nearby counties such as Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu, Narok and Nakuru due to increased movement and interaction within the population. Counties lying along borders with Tanzania (Kajiado and Migori) and Uganda (Busia) have also shown a high growth rate in Covid-19 cases attributed to targeting testing of truck drivers. The noticeable decline in Covid-19 cases in Mombasa County which had the highest attach rate in the preceding months is a sign of successful implementation of containment measures even after cessation of the lockdown. The other counties that continue to exhibit low Covid-19 cases are those in the Western and Nyanza regions of the country such as Bungoma, Kakamega, Vihiga, Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, and Nyamira. This could be attributed to the distance from Nairobi which has been the epicenter of the pandemic and infection prevention and control measures undertaken by the respective county governments. Males remain majority (65%) of the Covid-19 positive cases in the country. Equally, majority of the deaths (76%) are among males. Sixty-four percent of all Covid-19 cases in the country are aged between 30-39 years old. Those aged below 15 years accounted for 5.8 percent of the cases whereas the age between 15 and 29 years old constituted 24 percent. The group aged 60+ that is considered highly vulnerable made up 6.2 percent of the cases. The proportion of Covid-19 positive cases aged 60+ that have died is 10.9% compared 1.6% among those aged 30-39 years. The Country Office (CO) Crisis Management Team has sustained regular meetings to oversee and coordinate the Covid-19 response. The CO has undertaken the following activities: