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Asili Newsletter Volume 2

Asili Newsletter Volume 2
Asili Newsletter Volume 2



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Mukiza Mwenesi


Asili Newsletter Volume 2

Publication date

20 February 2020

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After weeks of planning the D-day, 3rd of February 2020, was finally here. Filled with anticipation and excitement, Youth representatives from the 22 hotspot counties with high prevalence to Female Genital Mutilation, brought together by the UNFPA Youth Advisory Panel and the Youth Anti-FGM Network, 

trickled into the Anti-FGM Board offices to kick off the 2020 Youth end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

The Youth end FGM Caravan campaign was a six day mission set to traverse 4 counties namely, Samburu, Isiolo, Meru and Embu in a bid to involve the youth in accelerating the vision of H.E Uhuru Kenyatta to end Female Genital Mutila- tion by 2022. In line with the 2020 theme for the International Day of Zero Toler- ance for Female Genital Mutilation, ‘Unleashing Youth Power’: One decade of Accelerating Actions for Zero Female Genital Mutilation by 2030. The Govern- ment of Kenya supported by UNFPA took key interest in the execution of this Caravan to ensure the voices of the Youth in the campaign to end Female Genital Mutilation was heard loud and clear throughout the country.