Passionate youth advocates drawn from Samburu and Isiolo counties in Kenya attended a recent boot camp to learn more about how they can influence budgeting processes for increased funding for sexual and reproductive health and ending FGM. The 24 participants were drawn from youth-led organizations leading community sensitization and awareness efforts to address issues such as teenage pregnancy, child marriage and FGM in the counties.
The “Jasiri” (champion) boot camp was organized by Pathways Policy Institute with support from UNFPA. Young people in Samburu and Isiolo, as in many parts of the country face knowledge gaps in understanding the advocacy strategies needed to effect lasting change. By increasing participants' understanding of the health financing landscape in Isiolo and Samburu, the boot camp aimed to equip the youth champions with the advocacy knowledge to influence change in their communities.
The participants, hailing from diverse backgrounds, engaged in a session that looked at key indicators related to reproductive health in their counties, identifying issues that could be addressed through greater budgetary allocation. They also had a chance to practice.
Using data from the Isiolo and Samburu County 2023/27 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) as well as the 2022/23 Annual budgets for the two counties, the young champions were able to conduct an analysis aimed at examining the extent to which the county's annual development plans allocate resources to implement sexual and reproductive health and FGM programs. They reviewed specific programs, initiatives, and activities aimed at addressing sexual and reproductive health and ending FGM, including their expected outcomes and timelines. Finally, they identified the key stakeholders and community engagement efforts involved in the implementation of such programmes. This allowed them to have a feel of what evidence-based advocacy entails.

Following the training, the young people were tasked with developing memoranda advocating for increased budget allocations for SRHR and FGM programs by their county assemblies. Samburu youth identified high teenage pregnancy rates to be of significant concern, leading to increased dropout rates, malnutrition, depression, and strain on the healthcare system. They recommended the implementation of sex education programs in schools, community dialogues, and the promotion of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (AYSRHR) through the provision of contraception.
Youth from Isiolo emphasized the need for budgetary allocation for maternal healthcare in Merti Level 3 Hospital, Cherab ward. They articulated their recommendations in a memo seeking an allocation of three million Kenyan Shillings ($19,000) in the FY2024/25 budget for maternal healthcare improvements.
Armed with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage leaders through smart advocacy, the young people are ready to participate meaningfully in policy and budget processes in their counties. They committed to submit memos to county assemblies regularly to ensure youth voices are represented in the budget-making and county development planning processes.