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Last mile assurance spot checks facilitate capacity building of healthcare workers on family planning commodity management

Last mile assurance spot checks facilitate capacity building of healthcare workers on family planning commodity management


Last mile assurance spot checks facilitate capacity building of healthcare workers on family planning commodity management

calendar_today 25 November 2023

Spot checks are a good way to confirm the availability of supplies at service delivery points.
Spot checks are a good way to confirm the availability of supplies at service delivery points.

Through the UNFPA Supplies Partnership, UNFPA has been working with the Government of Kenya and its partners to ensure access to a reliable supply of contraceptives up to the last mile. As part of the Last Mile Assurance process, UNFPA partnered with the Ministry of Health, Kenya Medical Supplies Authority and partners in civil society to conduct spot checks at health facilities in Narok and Nyamira counties between 6th-17th November 2023.  

UNFPA  spot-checks are undertaken periodically to ensure reproductive health commodities provided through the UNFPA supplies partnership are well managed to reach the intended beneficiaries on time and in good condition. In total, 28 health facilities were visited in the two counties where the team assessed inventory records, condition of the goods, adequacy of stock levels, as well as key internal control requirements for the managing and safeguarding of the supplies.

The process also provided an opportunity to build the capacity of healthcare workers including pharmacists and nurses on supply chain management, including the use of the integrated logistics management system (iLMIS) in last mile assurance. 

“The Last Mile Assurance process was redesigned to move past the perspective of audit to allow for onsite mentoring and capacity building of staff at health facilities so that they can learn best practices in safeguarding the quality of the products at the point of service,” says UNFPA Last Mile Assurance Analyst Denise Catbay.